REAL Change IS by US, together. YES- However, HOW could the very Top-Shelf Changes be-made?
With only a few reasons WHY to donate to The right Person IS-important.. While WE-do believe that Charles Richard IS key:
Here are a few reasons why:
A Design-Plan is soo-key. ...and why are We NOT use to that term "Design"/Design Plan, or Human Design Plan as it IS imperative today for proper, good Change to get it... "Design-Plan" means comprehensive in every possible way. Good "Design Creates Resolve, MAINtenance, Jobs, RF consideration, NOT blocking out our Seniors just cause ya get "old", Earth's basic needs, Childen Safety, A Safe Future for our next Descendants, getting Sports BACK to normal NOW, PRE-medical considerations, Preparedness for another possible 911, Racial Equality, huMAN mental intentions, Cex drugs and Rock & Roll, & having FUN... ...
... ya get the idea. When we mention Design.. WE then may say that Complete Design IS missing in OUR system/s. THAT is why so much is like it is.. How would you like that to change for the better? Do "typical "politicians" DO "Design??? Can they pronounce that word and honestly define-it, together?? Do you think when someone does detailed blue prints, that it will be even-close to the same debate.. compared-to when ya trained and only/or primarily think "political ??? No. Maybe that is exactly WHY our Declaration States, and Guides us to "dissolve the "political" bands which have connected-them with another...?
THAT is One-Good-Reason WHY Charles Richard Zerilli has a major advantage to-make those Changes with us. Promptly for us. He has multiple and Master Licenses that revolve around Direct Business and Science combined, with Professional Design experience. With this combination, tallied, He-IS The-Person. With so much Respect for all the rest running.. Charles Richard says "NONE are Directly Experienced with multiple talents that WE require to learn and know complete-Design,nor a comprehensive Plan. Complimenting all aspects, openly... Underlining the word "comprehensive pls.
Now, to move fair, positive, affirmed Change for the strongest Nation on OUR Planet. Charles Richard Zerilli knows adding some wise-strong-heart, combined with Design, IS-key. For that needed Business / Science Balance Design Plan for us. HOW could Charles Richard share with you all.. when 2 to 6 People OWN 6000 media stations... and NONE have FAIRLY responded to many requests. DO WE STAY forced "POLITICAL"??? Meanwhile, CRZ sees a compromise, even they must hear BEFORE THAT BLOCKING.. or denial??? ANY "WISE" would hear both sides first. OtherWISE, how-"WISE" are-they?, respectfully said pls. Honestly, there is much to loose without thinking spread spectrum, receptively, respectively.
IS IT Time to over-ride our "media", to insist more of a human feel.. and way less "political"-feel. ?? feeling-stuck like now less... There is no vetted News.. So how does that go??? No, REALLY???
To be Part of this New Change, to at least insist to HEAR HOW "design will-Change much, for the better as we know it... Climate, Earth, Ocean, Fish, Animals, poverty, Seniors Benefits, fuels, transporations, the very way we look at death, the very way WE Relate to each other..., To The first smart step is to submit your info to put Charles Richard Zerilli to PUT-HIM there on that Ballot. To have the BEST Debate, with more options. More wiggle-room. The room to-DO a New Design Plan, for us.. openly. To HEAR at-least what this HUGE blitz-buzz is about. AND YOU insist by YOUR Vote, and THAT IS yOUR POWer, will make that happen.
PLEASE be-Part. I-truly Care what you-all think. I hope and pray that you can see, &-agree that "Voter Suppression IS a SLAP at our REAL freedom... It must be abolished. Period. ANYONE who does-not.. DOES NOT Care what you "think. "Leading you believe that they-do.. IF they do-not "Promise-that.. AND MEAN-IT.. Then FIRE-them, by Voting Charles Richard Zerilli in! Let him deal with it!
So, do WE require your help, to help back? Yes. Us together is a Team effort and that is a no-brainer. Respectfully, much needs help, period- OUR Climate and this pandemic are tops for needed General MAINtenance, and remediation-Now. Then Standarized By-law. No games, just Sports to win for OUR People and Land. WE Win together.
If you can Support Charles Richard beyond a vote, with funding on-Top of that.. Then that is fantastic. The Ballot IS MOST important, first. Please support us by supporting Charles Richard Today. Please do not donate anything until you read the Do-NOT-Donate page, first pls. Your comfort is paramount.
So, how can you help, that DOES help US together and OUR Kids & Earth, for-REAL ?
please give me a few chances to Prove my worthiness to you.
and I will give you the same.
From my Heart & Mind, I Care for more than "just-business" for a New Balance. ONLY "BUSINESS puts US in the shape WE are Today. Laws that hurt OUR Earth favoring PRIMARILY-MONEY. No REAL People human-Guides.. What do you know-of??? So, unless that Person you Support IS a Science, Business, Physics & Forensics, Designer, Master, and underSTANDs about OUR Human MENtal Framing too, >>>combined TOGETHER<<< Then DO-NOT DONATE to-them. Put yOUR investment WHERE IT Counts. You know what they say in business.. Don't put all yur eggs in One basket. Diversity is key. Diversity IS Charles Richard Zerilli.
How & Why you may ask?
Would you go to an Architect who could NOT draw a Plan themSelf, or for-You to go-by...??? No! They will do only so much Right, but fall short on a COMPLETE, Safe, Balanced Plan, Right.. YES.
THAT is my point.
You would go to a more facilitated Person.. Right..? Yes- You would want Someone who KNOWS detailed Design. Yes-
Team Charles Richard Zerilli for President, requires your Vote to Keep-him-Going beyond "money" First for-us and much more. To get Charles Richard a set of boxing gloves FOR the white hoUSe, that you would love to-see.., Right...? Will he do-that???! So, PUT-HIM-INTO that National Ballot. Do you want to SEE-Honest REAL Change...?
EVERY Vote soo-counts from you, that CharlesRichard Zerilli requires and appreciates for his Friend, Family and for his Niece and for-you. I-Care. Charles Richard will not let you down as a Professional Technician. ...and he-IS worth it. Yes he-IS looking out for his Niece & Family+ to assured a Safe future, and upon their retirements, which INcludes-you for this to work. And here's only a few reasons also why: (also, his book tells huge prospect, and a very Solid Remedy for all of US).
First-reason: "To Give-You-A-Show you'll never forget extending OUR "system beyond "Political". Let me at-um!"
Second-reason: To Safeguard & Guide of New Solidarity for REAL. With Science & Business of open REAL/Truth & Clarity.
Third reason: To have Public feedback to interact from you. With honest numbers. Guiding us Right IS what CRZ wants.
Fourth reason (of soo-many...more...): "I Care and love OUR People & OUR Earth with all that I-Am" "to ALL be Safe, for-REAL, and-THAT Be-Evident to-all". Lets Evolve together. Do you want to prosper ...or not. Pleas care, even just a little. pls.
PLEASE be open here, for-US. To give you some of the BEST-Non-Political/Human Debates OUR Earth & Beautiful People need to feel Safe/ To Do-THIS for you and US, interjecting a surprising Non"Political" style, FOR-US! While following The TOP-most document WE have EVER-Had.. OUR Declaration OF INdependence, in-which also Supersedes the US Constitution by-far. No-matter what anyone says. The Declaration OF INdependence FORMED OUR America and IS a Series of Guides & Respect for ALL Life. And FOR OUR so beautiful & precious Earth & People. Right? Yes. Charles Richard has several Licenses & Master Licenses encumbering Science & Business plus To-Do-This, affirmatively. Are ANY "Candidates EPA Certified??? Charles Richard IS! A huge Bonus for Earth, and for YOU!.
Another reason why CharlesRichard IS The-Person: NOT a "Pro-Politicians"... but has experience to Box-This-Thing-OUT!. Yes! IS-ANY-One-Else is
Guiding US to The Declaration???. NO! That Directly tells US TO, and I quote: "for One People to disSOLVE the "POLITICAL" bands which have connected them with another.." ...What? Yes! ...exact partial quote speaks very loud- .. CharlesRichard Delivering to you REAL Truth, & Design sensibly, YOU WILL EVER see.. Another reason why: 40-Years of Public Service with People like you, I have learned Design+++, Professionally. Ya see, Professional Design does not Care about a "Party... No, it does not. Good Design IS Real & honest. Embracing ALL Parts, equally. Yes, ALL "Parts. You do want Respect and Truth, don't-you?
Hello to all People. I Care soo much.
Especially to all OUR Young and all "turned-off beautiful Smart People. Yes, OUR "system" is very off, & hurting. It IS TIME for that to Change. Do you agree. Do you want 50 to 100 Years Not only Safe & Balanced, but Fair for People & OUR Earth??? To see US advance as a Race, IS what CharlesRichard would love to Guide US to.
IF WE Vote any Person IN, who is NOT Directly Knowledged of Science, Business, Physics AND OUR Mental Framing... then adding National & Global Businesses... will only be lost further than now. ..."making US "feel-gOOd" back-pedaling as a lack of that Complete Design Plan.
If that Person does not know Detailed Design... Then HOW could THAT-Person make ANY detailed Decision >By-Themselves< AND BE-SURE! Simple, they can't.
"Being soo-"Political" has cast US HERE. TIME for more human Respect & Care... way-LESS "POLITICAL". If you agree, please shoot US an email and tell US please. WE look forward to hear from you. ????
THAT IS Why CharlesRichard Zerilli IS so-Right for US, ...for Earth, for US People. FOR OUR Nation. When you support US with yOUR Vote.. You Support a Person with multiple Licenses coupled with Business, Public Service extensive experiences. Much-more that OUR Earth & People so-need Today. Zerilli for change- Please support US with yOUR Vote Today, and PROtect OUR "System for-REAL. with Team Charles Richard Zerilli today.
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