DO NOT Donate, unless,
UNLESS someone CAN connect all the below, corresponding-FROM our so beautiful Declaration. Collectively, correctively it connects all the following ... while we-ask WAS She forgotten???
YES! ...No more!
Unless You want PROtective Laws that Secure a Solid Future of many-many Tomorrow’s for our Mankind, Children and Descendants for-real... That instill People to unite. As in UNITED WE STAND", feeling-that, feeling good about that... To have Safety & Happiness be Standard for OUR only innocent Children, and our next Descendants to come should count by our authoritative actions. And-THAT BE Evident.. For All to SEE for-REAL.. Loosing the fake. With correct sincerity, REAL honest Science needs and requires to be-Part, to advance anything. To Advance OUR Civilization and will then have knowledge-of that REAL Science and Business marriage benefits.
Securing News to be now vetted. Allowing us to have a similar "stories near and afar. Joining us... reasonably. NOT the-opposite. NOT having non-accurate mis-Guiding "News, that is NOT vetted. Therefore ONLY causing more to fall-apart, that we are witnessing daily.. Contributing to only feeding the now expanding s e p a r a t i o n s that our very beautiful Declaration OF INdependence speaks-of.. and warns-OF, too..
Does it make sense to-say: WE need to fall-together... NOT fall-apart. Coming-together IS NOT "POLITICAL"... THAT is when you hear the Right Energy speaking of such.. to contribute and donate-to-that MindSet... Coming together… IS no mistake. It-is an effort of conscience open Design, period.
The Energy to speak, say AND-MEAN, To-have ALWAYS a 50-100 Years- Safe ahead. FOR our only so innocent Children, and for our next Descendants to come next, counting on OUR "intelligence. . Yes, ALL Children have no Voice to-say-so, … but You-do. AND that site 50/100 be Standard. Applying-Human Respect (and as quoted IN our DOI) and I quote "and for the Support FOR this Declaration, and WITH a FIRM-Reliance on the PROtection OF Devine Providence.." (omg cool!!), ..."With "Sacred Honor" as the last two-word, IS so amazing. (do you know what those phrases mean for-real? omg! ya may want to know...! ya-) BY The hot Declaration of INdependence, as-Directed-To.. ...dropping "Pro-Political" is very Respectful of a way to usher Human Kind to Evolve comfortably forward. So to relieve MANy "issues", then adding a "T" to "issues", turning it into 'Tissues.. In which is allot softer... THIS IS soo-doable by Science & Business-TOGETHER.
Ironically, "being Pro-"Political" is NOT really "being" AmerICAN at-Top-Levels of our Guide Directives... How did WE loose that clarity of focus??? However.., IT-IS Time to now bring-IT. As we-DO see written in that document that Formed OUR Country …as Truth be told to save much. …while really being AmerICAN.
So, now-what Charles Richard Zerilli.. The answer: donate WISEly. Donate to those who reflect honest REAL Energy reflections. Donate to those who have REAL Science and compassion to FIX.. w/ accompinied REAL Master Licenses that compliment Science & Business. Especially professionally as Charles Richard Zerilli IS, and does. Setting him very apart with the clarity OF reflected Energy of Life, Earth, and for us as Peoples, direct knowledge of Science and business, together, for-us, as "WE".
What better to do, than to support any Person who has 40 Strong Years of Diagnostics of various Energies, with excellent results for and of Public Service. For 10’s of thousands of People in their homes, like you. So Donate WISELY.
To truly Lead a Global Leading Country... Science & Business must reflect an Life long experiences of such a
marriage unity. Business and Science MUST-Be, to see a Fair Balance next. Charles Richard Zerilli is-that. Making him Go-Super National by your Support Vote, minimum. Will only GIVE YOU a REAL "debate" then adding a New FUNction... Science & Physics become somehow fun too.. ...You want Remedies & Safe... CRZ is the-Person for us! Using whatever "mistakes" to fall-together, reasonably. Is also a Design though of wise.
For you, For-Life, For-us.........
.......For our so beautiful picturesque Earth, to BE For-REAL Protected as-needed... By-Law for our Children, and their Earth, generously considerate. That our Earth has NO-literal-Voice, however by her recent expressions Globally, the Earth's Energy IS speaking VERY loud, and IS FIXable by an appropriate Science.Business Person.. Equality is soo needed for People, Children, OUR Seniors and our so beautiful Earth.
Side note: "Two-trillion for Her ... IS A JOKE!, (Please consider NOT just-here... VERY-important to consider Global-EFFECTs-National..) OUR Advantage is that protection thru Charles Richard Zerilli as proven Life long works. For Charles Richard, She-does. Charles Richard Zerilli stated this Emergency in 2016, and was probably the FIRST to label OUR hurting game-board, an ER. He-knew, and called it.
I hereby ask, WHO-Else DID??? Who-else HAD A comprehensive Plan, back-then for-NOW?? That had a Professional Grand Repair success Rating remedy, He is Multi-talented for-US.
So WHO-ELSE thought-ahead??? Who? >>> Knowledge of Design, DOES-that, Naturally.
THAT IS Charles Richard Zerilli's forte. Professional trouble-shooting, with excellent Results. And now expanding OUR hot Declaration OF INdependence.
Also having cradled "political" in ways that no-one else is Caring to, but as Human Caringness.. Challenging the Right aspects, while NOT getting to OVER-intertwined to-that term "political"... A Fair good balance. Yes- "Us as human first with Science, then adding OUR ALREADY massive casted Business. "THIS IS Doable" Charles Richard says. So when "thinking who-to Support, and "donate-to".... Please THINK good. Think Charles Richard Zerilli, affirrmatively.
So, IF You Care at-all... Please Support Charles Richard Zerilli to Do-This Right for YOU. FOR OUR Earth. FOR OUR counTRY. WE can ONLY do this TOgetHER with yOUR Support for this New assured-Change that WILL "CHANGE" One-way-OR-THE-OTHER... Why not do it Smart, for-REAL if there is gonna be a change anyway. So, for US/ BY YOU- FOR-YOU, the Right "way", for us! Does CRZ supply the BEST Possible chances to triumph? Yes. He will match anyone with COMBINED Business & Science, in ANY Debate. Period. He said "BRING-IT Yo!".
Hensefuther, to donate WISEly… the Declaration MUST BE refered to. So also Let us also Acknowledge that "Voter-SUPPRESSION should-BE illegal.. THAT has been PASSED in 27 "sMaRt"-sTaTeS! ! WHAT!!! WHY??? Yes! If the Declaration was a Person... IT would slap who-ever mustered-up Voter-suppression. NO lol there... Please now-get-mad-as-hell, WISEly. THAT is NOT Real-Democracy, period. WHO does NOT WANT >>>YOU<<< to-Be-Part of what YOU-Think??? Charles Richard said "I REALly Care what WE ALL think, and to please contribute to what YOU would like done". "I would want, and need your Guide because I-Care" And "I require your support to be National to assure these New Good Changes to come to fruit".
Lets STOP "playing that blame-Game.. The Declaration would heave! Top Persons MUST take the reflection of THEIR-Energy... To-FIX much.. OUR Constitution must be updated. Just like our phones and computers. TIME is ticking!
Do WE "sugar-coat IT, and NOT be practical of ‘TIME. "Science & Business married, IS the only Logical-"way". - "Honestly, WE ARE Beautiful" CRZ knows. So, Do YOU Care at-all??? Now please prove it and support Charles Richard Zerilli like no other. It is never "too-late" you-know. Start-now. PS: One of CRZ's Master Licenses, (of a "few"..) is a Master Fire Suppression License. Uh-huh.. PLEASE let him AT these, (and how dare they call-them...) CAMP-FIRES! Thousands of square miles are on friggin-FIRE.. Charles Richard Zerilli has several New tricks to STOP THESE Fires, and much more then-that. Please, let a real Master handle this and He-IS-CONFIDENT!. He has no big head either... BUT!!! Do-THEY... to-NOT step-aside and "want a real, Solid Multi-Repairs FIX. …Maybe they-DO…
If the Declaration was a Person.. It would now smile knowing that Science & Business WILL-Marry by your Caring Vote. I want Her to Smile.. Do you? I want You to Smile. Let us make the rubber hit the road, together.
"Please joIN my Campaign Today To-Make that needed-Change, together. Not-alone"
Thank You ALL who have already joINed me, for-beautiful-US, and Earth- Thank you. Please be Safe Today.. The things I HAVE done will blow you away of Science PLUS- Combining Business like never before. Lets Do-THIS.. together, for-REAL. Thank you.