Archived Shows / & Guides

                                                                        Archived Shows are here, below links.

                       Come, hear REAL-Design Clarity Resolving to a MAIN ansWEr for much. Accept NO "imitations"    

                                          Join me once, or the 4x a month. 1st & 3rd week. First Wed., then Sun. 7pm

                                              Room number and info are in tab above "Zoom Information" above for live

                           These Open Video conference meetings are to Repair & Create New Safety, Nationally and Globally. 

                                          All need be Evident for All to see, and be-Part of. CharlesRichard Cares!


State of OUR Unions, Addresses. By Charles Richard Zerilli, Video's   

ZOOM Meeting 7/03/2020

ZOOM Meeting 7/04/2020

ZOOM Meeting 7/15/2020

ZOOM Meeting 8/06/2020

"News stations >to TELL The TRUTH about OUR climate<, PETITION/ link by

1 Neils Borh                              5 Karl Lashley
2 David Bohm                          6 Alain Aspect                        

3 Nikola Tesla                           7 Karl H. Prebrum

4 Albert Einstein

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