Modern Resolution of

                                                          Global Modern Resolution Plan of America                                          1.11.2020 
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                                                                                                                                               [ Using WordGameNews© making serioUS Topics easIEr to digest- ]
                                                                                                                                               [ Life ain't perfect',  s0 let's "TRY" to-miss the-Point..]     
                                                                                                                                               [ by & with the support of all People, for-them, FOR-US, finally..! ]
Need i raise my VOICE here to get You Excited or make my-Point? I-probably won’t.

(Now  PARTial Amazing poWErFULL quote.., -FROM OUR past FRAMErs. FORgotten?? However, now Integrated.)  
      “When in the cOURse of HUMAN Events, IT becomes necessary for One People to disSOLVE the ”political” Bands which HAVE connected them with-another, & to assUME-among the poWErs of The OUR EARTH…  & have someone INitiate a Balanced REMedy Plan for OUR Natural Lives with Design. Now caUSing a New Balance of Ecology, Business, People, for EARTH & OUR government. NOT OF OUR pattern-‘habits FOR major $$$, Sufferings-much PRIMARILY.. taking the Liberty to-say inadvertently, (ok-maybe NOT U now..?).. So, just guage ALL “suffering” on a scale from 1 to10, & Rate-IT, (of-all.).  …Is only climbing. -Do you want that to only continue? I-ask: Do WE “find” HuMAN “reasons to Agree?/ OR hUman “reasons to s e p a r a t e. Ya can’t do-both. WE ACT anyway... -well-.
      In OUR Families, Businesses & in & from OUR government too, & now Globally. Especially in OUR Police Dept.’s, while there ARE MANy that are GOoD, & that WE All can take advantage of this Authority sometimes. MANy “ways” Exist. So, Here, as WE now Open that-UP. Also how MANy types & degrees of outright sufferings exist. Do you only want it to increase like-now? & what about when it becomes on-you.. Even if it’s not on you-now..?
          >>>IS ALLOWING sufferings-unconditionally, yOUR Definition of “Being” AmerICAN ??? <<<?
      But INstead, FOR Respect & Decent Guides AS OUR Declaration of INdependence alREADY States. It WILL-BE the Direct Interpretation of who-ever Leads US next. & if they CAN-SEE this Fair Balance that I-AM MENtioning HerewithIN, & For-REAL, advocate IT, Share-IT, even-as> desperately TIME to Share-IT!  
      As some-KNOW WE fell-short. As OUR Original Framers Created, IT-Was as I see-IT, a stepping-stone to-now. -    
     >Now, US, WE, “I”, OURs, as a -CounTRY needs to ACT thru Her People in-whole & now needs-to become to a Better Maturity, & to a Better height on that climb. To now not be afraid to face & accept this Human aptitude, that aperture . As it has not been done before, accommodating more-as-needed. Especially on a Large Scale Global Growth-Set-Of-US, or-WE.
      As when written 244 Years-ago. There was only approx. 1-Bill. People Globally then. *NOW, there is 7.9 Billion Beautiful People, & ONLY Growing. ( &-yes.. i like to Think-Ahead, & add the additional 100-Million People. Being PREpared & think-ahead is what I enjoy & like to-do. &-that I would like to-do, underSTANDing Design Detail, -Excitingly-, -OPENLY-. Breathing New-Life INto every Living, Breathing Life & thing, happily. Sharing-That. However, at this Rate WE will still only climb unless WE Open-UP to each other & joIN. With a New Respect, & New Honor. That OUR-COUNTRY, America, must Lead. Being-that presently WE Own 52-58% of ALL Global Business, Daily. IT-IS- OUR responsibility for-all-of-US to BE Leaders in that Right, & accept this obvioUS & open blatant Responsibility like there is an Elephant in-the-room & WE ARE in a bungalow. For each of US to NOT deny this. To not push-off that WE need to become Models, & Learn to-Gain IN OURselves, from what WE DO to others. Feel that GOoD, & feel that gain for each one of US Individually. …Not get lost in OUR Individual tries’ & tribulations’, ONLY. Thenceforth expanding confidence INto HuMANity, OUR Families, & others near & far. Yes, AmerICAN, Amer-I-WE-CAN-
      The following is a request Plan of such that ALL poWErs of OUR UNiverse. Including the Powers of The Sun, Moon, Earth & every Planet. Every Profit, Laws of Natures &-of Natures GOD (aka LONANG ) OUR-Centers, GOD, All GOoD-Light & All the Powers of All the Expanse & EVERY Amer-I-CAN Person WILL PROVIDE Charles Richard Zerilli (aka nicknames; Charles, Charles Richard, Charles EARTH, AtoZ or the Doctor) the Full ability to correct, Respect, reconnect & adjust & ReRespect OUR Entire governMENtal/system FOR US w/Peoples INput as Guides, applying Design Openly. To Now Allow For 7.9-Billion People, & only Growing Globally, as follows, & -ON: TIMEtoJoIN.US site for US on the web, DOne NOW withIN OUR TIME, for a better TIME, w/ All, for every AmerICAN’s possible & that OUR Creator/s would be Proud-of.. AsU&iNeed2feel2 (I-Do-)By Quantum Mechanics & combined Quantum Physics Mechanics factors.. Life Here is NO “mistake & needs to BE worth-IT. I think undeniably, WE All have a clarity of this and need to feel better.. Somehow feel GOoD about US & OUR variable sufferings Daily that is a fact of Life &-YES, needs to be worth-it... For-all. While “being”-Open to-each-other, to-see, to have Life Work with all needed, & The Amer-I-CAN Support BE-CARRIED-OUT -TOgetHER-. And WE feel-good for what WE did, & feel-good FOR OUR next Descendants to-come within a common-thought. That ALL People reach out to me now FOR The Right-Reasons to-joIN me & feel-good to Do-This, a-TRI-purpose reason yes, to Share-this with 3-People minimum—or don’t-stop! Spread-me like I am a virUS.. a Good-virUS for Good change-                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
       Especially for those who are turned-off throughout OUR systems, like-me. THAT they NOW become very motivated like me. & acknowledge Design Detail ReFraming NOW-NEEDed, like me. & NOT-"politically" DOne, …like me, pls.. I refUSe to be called “political”. So, please Be-Open here. Pls, i-AM. JoINing US AMer-I-CAN's. Already helping what’s needed++.  To ACT, I’m NOW Accepting Workers & Volunteers, PROviding-them Respect, ALL for the Correct Guidance, collaborations, in its entirety, Openly. Providing openly to the First-UP supports Natural reasonable advantages, remain stable thereafter. For every  AmerICAN, & for-all, DOne as reasonably-possible.. WE then become A USA Team Family, loosing the fake,.. Please joIN-me. ALL positions & ANY Support are needed By-YOU. You-SO-count! Even if its just a Vote by-mail, or poles, or you CAN work from Home, or any comboNation. PLEASE-please -I want to turn you back-on. Heart-awake pls. So, Come-Back-IN. 4-You, & for my Niece. FOR this Be Fair to-All. Maybe U can’t… PROfessionally I-hear Her clearly-calling, & 2-all.
       From this moment-on Balancing forwards By-All of US, Charles Richard Zerilli WILL BE The joIN-Spot for-US. So PLEASE joIN-me, for I need-You To-Do this, for I Hope & Pray that You-need-me to again. I Hope you ALL like this New Balance I speak-of??? So, Please, get a pen Ready & write down the Email or phone number coming-UP. Pick UP yOUR device, & contact me now. ALREADY PREserved by THAT-Declaration, & YOU MUST Agree to-ACT to have-THAT Safety & Happiness.. OR, innocently agree-by-doing-nothing & let-US-slip away, “ALLOWING the only expanding  s e p a r a t i n g WE feel happening, Today. The DOI advises a Cure. It knew-then, & warns-Now of exactly what happens by s e p a r a t i n g much that i Intend to FIX Confidently, for-all. And while IN gear WE are not taught 2B SELFish, but-enjoy SELFLESS.  & Every-Event happen to make Charles Richard become the next President / Human of OUR UNITED States, to-be-able-to carry out this Balanced Plan for-US-ALL as Mentioned, WITH a Firm Reliance for the PROtection of Divine-Providence & with Respect & Sacred Honor for All MAN-KIND (& You NEED 2-Know WHAT those meanings ARE !!!.)   for-All,. -As-alREADY written withIN that Declaration of INdependence!!! NOW-did-IT-know... IS-Not the-point, ...But THAT-IT-DID, >IS<         I wrote a book on Her detailing-IT, like no-One HAS-, and PRObably the First.
& CAN ONLY BE-DOne by YOU &-Me TOgetHER. -A New USA Family Team, Caring. Then called AMer-I-WE-CAN's, toGETher!
                                                                                                                             thank you TIME                                                     
 My NEW-book Explains OUR assURed Safety & Happiness plUS, IS ALREADY-Written IN that DOI ! “IF” YOU Are-Not familiar w/ that DOI doc. Don’t GOOGLE-IT/ Don’t READ-IT. Don’t Learn to benefit.
(((Said-slowly>))) NOW, it tales ALL of YOU to “put-” someone who >like knows Design<  “IN”, like-me. Like I-DO, “*IN-there*”! TO DO THIS For US, & For my Niece please, pls.  I want Safety & Happiness FOR-Her, FOR-REAL!!! That includes FOR-YOU-                                                                          Charles Richard? >>>***TIMEtoJoIN.US (side Note: TIMEtoJoIN.US IS a temp-site, & NOT affiliated AS “others” spaced-out. TIMEtojoIN.US IS CLEARLY ALL-ONE-Word)

 Sincerely,, the things I’ve given-UP to-Do-this.. YOU could not imagine! Coupled w/ the Science, Physics, Medical Triumphs w/ proof.. Are at-the-least Mind-blowing, especially for those who mis-Judged-me... without hearing me out. Today is “almost reasonable to-say, but i do-Not accept. I-Do Care and have Design Openly. WE all must accept responsibility for each-other at a certain Point. That’s one reason WHY “doubling-UP at-it, IS’ a Major asset FOR-all.
        >>> So I ask that ALL GOoD Energy Bless OUR all, now adding a WISE Strong Heart-
    From & by The Person, Mind, Body & Spirit of Charles Richard Zerilli w/ Wise Strong heart, PLS & thank You All for OUR TIME. Now-share-!                                                                                            
 Side-Note: Name & letter Body modeled by a Top-Most Guiding Mother document OF OUR America (either forgotten or Bypassed) called, The Declaration of INdependence, with a New-View to ReFrame OUR OUtdated Constitution.  Now Truly FOR the People Modeling OUR Declaration, for-REAL Ecological hUMAN, Business, Earth & government Balance. Now With WISE Strong Heart, now-NEEDed. To joIN Contact me at 123@TIMEtojoIN.US, or # on website. Thank you-   TIMEtoJoIN.US  >>>SHARE-IT  I love OUR EARTH, I love OUR America, I-Care & I love You- TIMEtojoIN.US, or #718 865 8720, This IS-NOT a “”… THIS IS for “dot-US (=) .US & Share-IT-  My name is Charles Richard Zerilli hitting the Ground Running for Human/President of OUR UNITED States. To feel GOoD for-US & Be-Part- To be Guided Right, TOgetHER
with’ Sacred Honor for REAL, and feel better.        
So, write it down, Pick-UP that device, & contact me now

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