Some People of INfluence
Some of Quantum Mechanics and Science. Compiled of their thoughts.. Yes wow...
My gosh, WE ARE truly Beautiful. Charles Richard feels and knows about our beautification required Today.
It is TIME to ACT thru Charles Richard Zerilli. OUR human Design IS so-key. "Science"...and Business combined, knows no-word political... Just some acknowledgment of our human Design & True Energy that these guys can see to, Charles Richard can see as well. TIME to stop so-much political.. Time for more feeling human, gauging our too-much internal Sufferings to regulate better. New Businesses are very needed.. along with a good-feel of OUR Lives... NOT like this feeling of loss we feel now.. I-know- Please be open and give Charles Richard some chances. Support today somehow that you can handle, ...For the-Right reasons, for-US! For OUR next Descendents. To loose that "lost-feeling.. and replace it with a good-feel.
The following People are amazing smart. Real Science applies now.
Neils Borh karl Lashley Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Gordon Hempton
David Bohm Alain Aspect Renee Montgomery
Nikola Tesla Karl H. Prebrum Amy Goodman My Grandfather
Albert Einstein Wilder Pennfield Mr Wolff
fLinks as follows are in Blue.
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