PRESENTLY: Under Construction       We need help here please. This is big. Come-1, come all. Contact us. 

Here's only a few reasons why:     

first, did you know that how much power YOU-have ...affects the Globe?

   PLEASE consider Team Zerilli for New wise strong heart Balance

w/ open Design to Fix, 4-REAL. TOP must fess-UP!

  Here are only a few reasons WHY Zerilli :

1)us-People, 2)OUR Globe and Animals

3) MANY many Safe tomorrows...

 FOR with real Science!



 "they "play" blind direct-knowledge Science.. I-do-NOT!!!

Another reason why :

     This is huge, makes sense, & ya gonna like this-

 IS a Professional Diagnostic Public Service Person the-"same" as  a "Professional "Politician? 

No.  THAT-is what CharlesRichard Zeriili is. For 40-Yrs +...

                                          So, HOW would a 40-Year Public Service Person re-orchestrate STUFF, for-US, for-REAL...?                                                   

 By utilizing Open Design.

    WHY is  >"No-One"<  even mumbling about our human Design possibilities??? 

Nor about detailed Declaration of INdependence  clauses???

Or, HOW-TO show REAL Respect to huMAN-Design... ???

heart awake pls-

OUR Humanity Design IS so-key to make-Right sooo-much that HAS gone wrong Today.

OUR perception of Life, IS key to get more. Is anybody breaking this-down for-us???


Now Eyes-Open-wide, with no-sounds   ...shows the Real truth.

    That energy never lies

...and its ok ...when WE CAN face-that... Change will reasonably ocurr-

Please ask yourself: Do YOU want true things to Guide US,   Or lies and misgUiDeNcE to???

   To FIX and Repair much  IS my objective. For all of us, FOR-REAL.

A Science/Business+ Person is very different, than-not.

"I-Care with every cell of my body of Life".

THAT is CharlesRichards advantage

 that no-"other" has come to the table with...  -to-date-... True, yes-.

"Professional Repair IS what he has done, 40+ Years strong.

Plus some "political-ness that-really, he calls caring stuff and "being-Human...

NOT "political-ly"! THIS Mass repair does NOT need to be called "political", almost at-all.

We just need to be Lead to be open, and Lead to care a little for a Solid Resolve to.

NOT s e p a r a t e, as we are warned BY The Declaration's Guide-


    WE now can remove that nausea-feeling, and feel a shinning Light INstead

REAL Science that accommodates Business, FAVORS NO "political"ness almost at-all 

    ...TO get IT Right! The DOI Directs us for exactly this. Kinda cool really.

 A New and Balance Design Plan has already began by CharlesRichard, for huMAN & all

 "MONEY" or-not... CharlesRichard needs our/your Support to-DO what you want, & need.


    For-US, For You, for what RIGHT-Now OUR so beautiful Earth requires. That Aid is-needed now-

To reCraft & ReFrame what is soo-needed. To add a New good feel. A New respect. A New Honor-for-REAL-

A respectful, proper REAL human Design Plan, with Earth Design Plan IS IN-Progress already.

        Be Part Now, pls


So, WHY be interested in CharlesRichard Zerilli...? ...over DJT & JB, or ...? while others are running to... 

To The-Point:

CharlesRichard Zerilli's Main Focus: 

   > IS to Re-Frame , OPENLY, OUR UNITED States Constitution.

        THIS WILL Settle 65 to 90% OF-ALL issues, period. Re-Frame-NOW. Why "piece-meal"-it... like what WE-SEE by "others"!

   > To Match & math OUR very forgotten Declaration, to fairly benefit every AmerICAN Person on several major Points: Especially Seniors+

   > Why OUR already written Resolution, TOP-Laws GUIDE, IS Forgotten or "bypassed"?  ... is NOT the point. TO Re-INACT IT, ...IS!

   > Applying a New Design Plan, encumbers -all, for-all.

   > The DOI says, drop-the-"political" MindSet... is Great News to know. From The Highest Top-most Guide-, finally a more relaxed feel 

   > For Racial & Ethnic Fairness & Equality. Fairly to-happen FOR-REAL. Retaining my already 97.777 triumph-Rating/No-Bull!

   > Face ALL issues that "restrict OUR Teachers. That plagued OUR Children w/ very restrictive sanctions & restrictions. NOT-ACCEPTABLE

   > To confront ALL Housing issues, AND Remedy-them. Making New Protective Laws. Applying some Wise Strong Heart for HomeLESS.

   > Climate satisfaction, Climate Remedies, NO-ONE is speaking-of. OUR WEatHER NEEDS protective-Laws... ONLY "a starter HR763.. P-Lease!

   > STOP jerking-around @ OUR Kids/Children's Safe-Future! I-WANT 50/100 Years Safe-Ahead..for-all, ALWAYS!  By-Law!

   > Creating a New Balance & Assurity for-sure, that Leads US to a New Solidarity for-sure. Any Good-Design HAS, openly.

   > WE will STOP-here for the moment.

      Why? Because there are hundreds of messed-up topics that NEED Attention. NOT ONLY 32 -+...! NOT-ONLY "32" give-or-"TAKE"!

      32 is like throwing a hotdog down a hallway, thinking it can touch both-walls at the same-TIME. 32-or-so >IS a joke<... P-Lease X2!
You want REAL Reform???  CharlesRichard Zerilli needs your Support FOR-US... For-YOU,

      Your Support-Vote at-minimum. To-Do-This FOR-us-  Please read the DON'T-DONATE Page link.

   > What CharlesRichard has accomplished already in OUR Life, is amazing with 14 Licenses+.  No big-Head there.

    > Support this New balls-to-the-wall, No-joke Third Party Person. Breaking New barriers for US, and for OUR beautiful Earth 

     >*** Very confidently, IN 90-Days this pandemic would be spiraling-DOWN... if not DONE! ACROSS

        OUR Land, CONFIDENTLY! Very Seriously- EPHA Genetics is another cool understandings for CharlesRichard Zerilli. YES!

    >CharlesRichard Zerilli SEEs in-between

      what "others are NOT saying. TRULY Cares passionately for OUR Economy, Jobs,

     Safely Sporting many MANY Safe tomorrows, that should already Be-Standard, and

           allot-MORE-THAN "32 concerns".

 You wanna play silly games...   vote for-them then!

 > CharlesRichard has done what "some will say is "political... CharlesRichard says

                     IT WAS Caring

                     and ACTING Human..

                     and NOT "political"...

  CharlesRichard does Professional Design Planning... THAT No-other can deliver, better, and Safer, with considerations,

                    KEEPING US #1

_>Again, ANY "Good-Design does consider _>___________all_____________!

Support Vote. Zerilli for change. tap-here to boost.

  Radio shows and live Zooms were powereful and very informative.

  See past shows at in the "past-shows" tab 
  Also see Zoom Shows on YouTube under CharlesRichard Zerilli, or in the "Archived Shows, @ bot. of this page 

  Also, 4-shows a month, LIVE on Zoom. Open invatation to-all. Please come. Ask questions if you would like...

  For those who prefer to-Listen by phone.. CAN.  SEE Zoom-Room Phone# under "Zoom Info... tab, above.

   Some Steps for real honest Change, would be by Design-

 First: very important Step: WE must accept years & years of raindeer games.. and admit that.. The Declaration is/was back-stepped!

 Next Step: WE must Start Fresh, NOW.. NOT delay any further. With this pandemic & our Ice Not being safe-Guarded... Changeable? -YES..!

 WE must accept-this NOW to update our Constitution to math the Declaration. Do you even know what the Declaration Stands for???

 Funny, because to FIX IT People.. "2-trillion...   IS NOT for a long-Run Safety. Blank-shot. THAT should-have been ALREADY thought-of..

CharlesRichard did in 2016-... Well... Typical "politicians are shooting blanks. The Declaration steers us very different, than US Constitution.

Which came 1st...? Rules, right. Yes That is The Declaration OF INdependence DID. Why is it back-stepped, NOT spoke-of???? A quick "line.. Yeah!

 To be able to Openly discuss it.. and much-more.  So-as to FIX, and Change this now condition of much.. and only getting worse.

 CharlesRichard Zerilli wants this lost confusion TO-STOP. CharlesRichard Zerilli SEE's REAL Design. CharlesRichard CAN-Do the job! Right.

 Please give your information to Support-Vote Charles Richard IN. 

 HOW & Why??? ...come to the open Zooms by phone or live video. See you there.

Support Vote. Zerilli for change. tap-here.
 Professionally, CharlesRichard does Design Planning, and that is HUGE for The Strongest Nation on OUR Globe to-HAVE now.
NOT "another Pro-"Politician -only- ... NO-WAY beautiful People that we are. Please hear-him out first...

 So, is Design missing in OUR "system and would clearly Repair allot, simultaneously..  YES-
 No -One takes blame while massive money is missing TIME to STOP "being so "POLITICAL".. as WE ARE being directed-to.   
 ...while much is only-separating today... and only increasing.. Right??? Yes.
Science & Business & Physics, PLUS, ARE-a-must. To be ANY Next President.. for-US, makes-total-Sense.
AND for OUR so beautiful Earth. Charles Richard is-that. The things that Charles Richard has accomplished are astounding.
The Licenses and Certifications he has, Support that MindSet. To, For-REAL, >perform a REAL Design Plan< for this Country.
You can give-the-FAKE to sanitation.. That's NOT needed for a REAL Design Plan. no-
People are totally amazed. "A Design Plan is key to talk about ALL that is not-Right, and make some Light of...
To clear some of "the dust"..  WE  start and ask Charles Richard WHAT-is 'Good "DESIGN" then?
 A GOOD Design Plan... WOULD HAVE this pandemic DONE,  (or at least AFFIRMATIVELY Solidly decreasing, FOR-ALL!) in 90 Days!!! serioUSly-
To get a touch of "Design Clarity...  See "ReFrame OUR Constitution..." Video clip below. And on Youtube.       
      >>>Please give Charles Richard a few chances to Prove himself to you. To hear a Very New, Positive view Points-                                     
    So, come joIN the Live Meetings on -Wed & Sun/ 1st & 3rd week of the month.                    
ZOOM Room number 839 5612 6271   7pm                                          
Please check here prior to..  for any changes. ( For more Info. simply USe the contact box ).                                           
So, WE "ReFresh" OUR devices and phones constantly... WHAT about OUR governmental "Laws" that no-longer-fit??...?                                              
 Thinking ahead applying Human Design, Openly, Reasonably, especially for OUR Young... & Descendants to-come!                                              
  Charles Richard is hitting-the-Ground-Running, Raising The-Bar FOR-US,& For All People..
  ReFreshingly, It was said that CharlesRichard Zerilli is like a Shinning Light...                                           

New Paragraph

          New TOGETHER. " I Truly Care, not "politically as WE are being Directed by The Highest Documant possible.. . Let US ROCK-This for New Science/Business Change!!!

                                                        Let US STOP dividing and s e p a r a t i n g OUR Human Lives in The "STRONGEST" Nation.  However BE "Smart... FOR-REAL-

                                                                                             So much is hurting that needs help. Honor is calling ALL of US!

                                                                                                                  Especially for many Safe Tomorrows .

                                 How do we show WE-Care, and those benefits from from-that feeling??  ..even just a little, to-do-something.. Many New IDEAs.  Pls-note. 

                                                              ((( If ya view the archived Videos, please persist on Video Links if-needed (pls let me know of any digital issues..)))

Please help us, help us-all. Join Team Zerilli here
Charles Richard Zerilli requires your support for the Right reasons. ...For-US!
MORE of A-Person of-his-Word..  Yes!                                                 
To make New Change more-Guaranteed as a Non "Political" ... JUMPING-IN!

     So, as-WE-ARE Directed-to... WHAT...?  ...yes-true by OUR Declaration OF INdependence.
...MORE POWerful THAN the CONstitution is                                                                   
By simply Caring WE-Do care anyway.. Please help make this New very-needed Balance NON-Politically..
BECAUSE YOU SAY-So.. through-me for-you  Yes
PLEASE let-me... and make-me... >BE< THAT New-Toolset, for-us, for-REAL.
"My forty year Public Service is popping, ...For-us". 
 as The TOP most Document, OUR Very Beautiful Declaration OF INdependence  is exactly Directing US to do. 
Re-Attracting those "turned-off" BACK-IN..
Especially FOR OUR Young to HAVE fairly all they need, reasonably..
And be Re-INterested.
So, now i need to ask this. Do you care at-all? Even just a lil for a national resolve...?  /Show me you then...
Care just a little to-HAVE what is-missing,and feel good for OUR Descendants to come.
Undoubtedly BE affirmed of a New, Refreshing Solidarity when utilizing that Declaration's guidence.
    IT is NOT the point that OUR Climate may, or may-NOT have an issue.
IT IS more the POINT-that WE do-not SEE any minimum MAINtenance for OUR beautiful Earth at-ALL.
But WE CAN, Easily!  Personally, THAT-I-need!
CLEAR Safety & Happiness by the DOI, would then AUTOMATTICally FIX... much! 
OUR lost Honor & True Respect is important, need-be rekindled.
So, please help by helping-us help you HELP-me-DO-THIS with-You
, and for my Niece and ALL Young have 50/100-Safe Years Ahead.
To Secure what WE All-do Care for, easier, & non-politically easier to.
As ALREADY Granted & written.. but fell very short.
Now, OUR Constitution BE Re-Framed Fairly, PROperly & just.
IN The Super-Cool (OUR) Declaration of INdependence HAD Fairness
BUT The Constitution waited 13 years.. 
...and just look at us now. It needs UPdating... Also for Global Remedies
The DOI directs us to openly do this for ALL to-see. 
Not only Securing a 50/100 BE always-IN-front of US Safe,
but to also have better Relations feeling Happy-for Life & US.
 ( explained in Charles Richard's very INteresting New book, link-below ). 
                For those who are bored at-Home,
and CAN..
Please reach out to me to help from Home, or out.
ALL positions needed. 
Especially YOU Millennial's  and The "tURned-Off beautiful People like-me,
on all levels of feelings.. If you Care at-all like-me.
Please come. You have a Skill...???   SHOW-IT! NOW is the TIME-
                       ...WE-GO-FORwards!   TOgetHER!!! 
BE-Part of making New History
TAP-the "joIN the Team",
provide your info,
Let's Feel-good, TOgetHER! 
Let US Re-Frame TOgetHER
Come do this, together
joIN the OUR-Team
       As yOUR TIME allows.. pick-One- 60, 90, 30 sec Videos. Charles Richard's intention to Re-Frame, IS now needed (Vids-below).
        ...while EARTH does Not-Grow... only People do. Now-what Charles Richard??? He HAS a Solid-Plan & feeling-Safe for-all...
                         Intro Videos above, and WOW-Video... right-below. ..Also Design is KEY in "Reframe OUR...  enjoy-
       Don't DONATE anywhere.. without hearing ALL-sides and ALL-angles. SEE that Page "DON'T DONATE..."   Personally, if anyone "running" is NOT DIRECTLY Referring about OUR ALREADY written Resolution called The Declaration Of INdependence, AND detailing-IT... ((while it could not be fully-adhered to.. IT IS Not.  THEN ask Why??.. i-go-over this..)), THEN Do-NOT "donate" to-them..   Just Simply absorb how to -"no" better... and then where-TO Donate for more appropriate and effectiveness. Bypassing "POLITICAL" arguments in a Pandemic  Then You can decide who, what, where & WHY.. and feel-good you did... You WILL then HAVE a New control. THAT will cause a New much happier-now/Earth/People & You. AS AmerICAN's..  To-FIX, & *NOT* "avoid-much".. w/o "being" americant's.. but AmerICAN's together, PREparedly, IN 2016, CharlesRichard Zerilli did state matters of concern-then. Thoses concerns are only expanding into now, yes.
     CharlesRichard knew it then, accented & Acted to have a Good Design Plan, for a Solid Remedy... IT Expanded even further.  NOW WE-CAN!

       NOT affiliated with similar-sounding-sites...  This site is for anyone who cares, even just a little. Especially FOR those who ARE the "tURned-off".. like-me.. and want-to Act somehow to feel better.. Please,  I want to turn-you-back-on,& back-IN..  On a non-"political" Sense A New USA Family Team.. The tiMEtojoIN.US website & CharlesRichard Zerilli is fore-fronting a Very New way, causing a New Solidarity USA New-Family..  Instilling new laws that Protect-US. CharlesRichard WILL change "OUR" outdated lovely governmental un-clarity and un-assured Safety we see today. UPdating OUR very Outdated US Constitution, to now-Match the 7.9 Billion People (allowing for Future Growth..), and only growing. 244 Years-ago, FOR the approx 1-Billion People then was-ok...  Now OUR Constitution needs to-be UPdated from Actually Using THE ALREADY written, but-forgotten (maybe bypassed.) Declaration Of INdependence. Do WE let that continue??? With The five prescriptive ingredients The DOI represents For-US. IS, Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, SAFETY & Happiness... IS-Key as a core Guidence..  (& was ALREADY-documented, &-promised...).  What-Happened??? Did WE forget about-IT??? NOW, HAVING a refreshed, New acting government, then doing The Right-thing AS-US, TOgetHER, Caring a little... Having a New-Lead. Showing US Respect, truly. NOT over-done PRO-"political-ness"..  But A new USA Family INstead.
          WHY??/ ...because then New protection & New protective for-The-People Laws. To affirm these concerns be corrected By CharlesRichard Zerilli, that WE need for sure.
         There is a New Sheriff in town. ..but-who??? CharlesRichard IS-INN! Come back and SEE US aGAIN after construction is done. TIME to ROCK The Casba-... This TIME IS FOR The-PEOPLE. Beautiful People at that. WE All-Are!... CharlesRichard Zerilli note: I love and truly Care for ALL of US, OUR so beautiful Earth, OUR Seniors. A New Balance IS Very-Needed. A True Leader will Promote US To-joIN, ...NOT s e p a r a t e - only-more. Does that make Sense???
             Personally, I feel that this IS FOR everyone. A New just Balance. Saving Nationally & INternationally much, for-all, with Sacred Honor.. As WE are INstructed to
                                            So, please show yOUR support and call-me, or email me.  So just STOP, pick up the phone, and call now!  ...and feel-good too.

Stronger toGETher
– because people need community  together...

What we  CAN do TOgetHER... together...   IS here! Let's DO-this!

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